
Country Birder... and Butterflies 

Palm Warbler
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Palm Warbler.  The Palm Warbler is a migratory bird for Indiana, since its summer breeding range is in the bogs and fens of boreal forests in Canada and the northernmost United States.  Its winter range is Southeastern and Gulf states.  Often found in the company of sparrows, Kinglets and Yellow-rumped Warblers.
Central Indiana - September 29, 2008
Palm Warbler.  The Palm Warbler differs from many other warbler species with its extreme northern breeding range, and its tendency to feed on the ground and from small shrubs versus among the foliage, bark and branches of trees.  I saw this warbler spend roughly the same amount of time in a Silky Dogwood shrub as in the ornamental crab tree in which these pictures were taken.  The warbler moved on a few days after the pictures were taken.
Central Indiana - September 29, 2008
Palm Warbler
Central Indiana - September 29, 2008
Palm Warbler
Central Indiana - September 29, 2008

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